Redefining the course of our actions

Shruti Raut
2 min readJun 27, 2020
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Did we need a pandemic to tell us what we were doing wrong?

Probably, yes.

Entering into the pandemic very less did we know that this is going to be our lifestyle for a while. Initially, all of us were really excited and treating this phase as a break from the normal. But slowly the reality started to sink in and hit us in numerous ways. Attraction and newness of the newly found time transitioned into longing for the regular.

Every day the television keeps bombarding us with pandemic oriented news. It’s necessary to stay aware of the situation but we have to consciously stay away from drowning in the pool of unwanted information. Consuming the same kind of news throws away our dream of getting back to a better world. In the past few days, I’ve heard so much about depression and suicides. I decided to do a little experiment. I did not open my social media accounts for a week and it was a harmonious time. After a week when I opened my feed, I kept scrolling for quite some time and additionally that content was affecting my mood. I could easily spot the difference.

In the due course of time, things will get back to normal, people will go back to their lives as they were before the pandemic. But it will be totally useless if we go back to our ‘original’ selves. Every person needs to change a little. Very little actually. For instance, let’s say if we give more importance to physical and mental wellbeing. So, why not we think a little about redefining the course of our actions?

Let’s all be a little considerate about our own well-being. In the hustle and bustle of the cities, we often forget to give ourselves some time to heal. Nature has started healing itself with humans being trapped in their houses, when we go out again let’s not rush into our usual habits. Many of us have even returned back to lost hobbies, friends, and relations. This reality check was very much required. Time to stop taking things for granted and be grateful for the world around us.

